"Mainstreet Musician Supply is a music store that is a little different from most. Our store is housed in a building built in the late 1800s. We hope that we have restored the building and made our business a place where people feel like they are stepping back to a time when customers were neighbors and friends. We strive to always be fair, honest and courteous, treating our customers the way we would want to be treated . Customer service is one of our top priorities . We also enjoy having our customers just drop in to visit or have a little jam session on the side.
Mainstreet Musician Supply is a full line music store stocked with acoustic and electric guitars, amps, banjos, mandolins, drums, PA systems, used band instruments and many unique instruments - some from other countries and lots of accessories. We carefully choose our musical instruments and accessories, trying to always find the best quality products at the best prices available. We try to travel each year to NAMM , the big music trade show, to see all the new products and compare quality and prices first hand.
We have a great repair shop where Greg does everything from major to minor repairs on all types of guitars and stringed instruments. (Check out the REPAIRS and CUSTOM GUITARS link for more details) At this time he is getting his shop set up to begin building his own line of guitars with several already in progress.
The internet is another part of our store. Christy spends a large part of her day selling to customers all over the US and around the world (At last count we had sold products to customers in 33 different countries). At this time all of our internet business is done through eBay. To check out our items listed on eBay just click on the link below:
If you ever get a chance to visit Nashville, AR , we would love to have you drop by. Just look for the large vintage-looking neon sign on Main St. with “Mainstreet Musician Supply” on it. Or feel free to give us a call at 870-845-0001. Our email is greg@mainstreetmusician.com or christy@mainstreetmusician.com . Hope we see you soon!"
Store Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Check out Nunley Lutherie on Facebook to see some of the current repairs, restorations and custom work that Greg is currently working on at www.facebook.com/nunley.lutherie.